Exam Session & Enrolment Dates 2024

Practical examinations

AMEB Connect is open to enrolments for video Repertoire examinations from 1 April until 19 September 2024.

Enrolments for face-to-face Practical examinations will open one month prior to the closing date for entries in the Session.

In 2024, most closing dates are on Thursdays. From 11:59pm on the closing date a late fee will automatically apply for a period of 7 days. The exam session will automatically close to enrolments at midnight at the end of the late enrolment period.

Video examinations

Music Repertoire grades, P Plate Piano and selected Rockschool examinations available by pre-recorded video submission.

The video exam performance must be recorded no earlier than three (3) weeks prior to enrolment and submitted no later than 28 November.

SessionSubmission datesEntries openEntries close
AMEB Video Examinations1 April - 28 November1 April19 September
Rockschool Video Examinations1 April - 28 November1 April19 September

Face-to-face Practical examinations

A school or private studio with examining time of 3 hours or more in a particular instrument may apply to be an examination centre and also may request to host practical examinations outside the published session dates from April through to November. Click here for more information about hosting Practical examinations.

Metropolitan Melbourne

All Music and Speech practical subjects except Licentiate Diplomas and Special Subjects are offered in each of the sessions below.

SessionExam datesEntries openEntries close
1st Metropolitan Practical22 April - 11 May22 January22 February
2nd Metropolitan Practical13 May - 2 June14 February14 March
3rd Metropolitan Practical3 June - 25 June28 February28 March
4th Metropolitan Practical12 August - 8 September6 May6 June
5th Metropolitan Practical7 October - 17 November17 June25 July

Regional Victoria

Special subjects (see below) are offered in Regional Victoria by special arrangement. Examinations for Associate and Licentiate diplomas not available in Regional Sessions.

SessionExam datesEntries openEntries close
1st Regional Practical29 July - 10 August16 April16 May
2nd Regional Practical18 November - 13 December15 July15 August

Instrumental, Voice and Speech examinations are offered in Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Sale, Shepparton and Warragul only, subject to sufficient enrolments for a particular instrument or instrument group. Read more >

Piano examinations are offered in all regional centres listed on this website.

Special Subjects & Rockschool exams (Melbourne Only)

Accordion, Harp, Organ, Percussion, Recorder and Rockschool are available in the following Special Subject sessions only (alternative dates and locations might be possible where there is examining time of 3 hours or more in a particular subject).

SessionExam datesEntries openEntries close
1st Special Subjects/Rockschool22 July - 4 August16 April16 May
2nd Special Subjects/Rockschool18 November - 15 December29 July29 August

Licentiate Diplomas (Melbourne Only)

SessionExam datesEntries openEntries close
1st Licentiate Practical26 June - 29 June24 March24 April
2nd Licentiate Practical18 September - 26 September27 May27 June

Written Examinations

Online Theory examinations

Online grade examinations in Theory of Music, Musicianship, Music Craft (Preliminary to Grade 4) and Speech & Performance Theory (all grades) are available from 2 January until 29 December.

Paper-based Theory of Music exams ‘on application’

A school or studio with ten or more candidates may apply to host Theory of Music examinations from April through to November (a maximum of two dates per year). Applications will need to be lodged with AMEB Victoria at least six weeks before the proposed examination date, to enable exam question papers to be prepared and printed. The final date for paper-based Theory of Music applications in 2024 is 20 September. Contact us to request an application form.

Paper-based exams at the AMEB Hawthorn studios

In 2024, paper-based examinations in Theory of Music Diplomas, Theory of Music Grades 5 & 6, and Music Craft Grades 5 & 6 will be offered at the AMEB Studios in Hawthorn on Wednesday 11 September. AMEB Connect will be open to enrolments from 27 May until 27 June.
