
Australian Music Examinations Board (Vic) Limited (AMEB Victoria) is a public company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. It is a subsidiary of the University of Melbourne, governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the University.

The Board receives advice from an Examinations Advisory Committee, which includes members with expertise in education, training and assessment. Each Victorian examiner is a member of their respective subject’s Specialist Examining Panel, which meets regularly to discuss examining matters and engage in professional development activities. Day-to-day operations are the responsibility of the General Manager.

Board of Directors

The Directors of Australian Music Examinations Board (Vic) Limited are as follows:

Professor Emeritus Ian Holtham, BA(Hons), DipEd, PhD(Melb), BMus(Hons)(Durham), HonFMusA, FTCL, ARCM, LRAM, LGSM (Chair)
Associate Professor Joel Brennan, BMus(Oberlin), MMus, MMA, DMA(Yale) (Deputy Chair)
Carla Blackwood, BMus(Hons)(Syd), MMus(Musikakademie der Stadt Basel), MMus(Zücher Hochschüle der Künste)
Mr John Demagistris, BBus(Monash), CA, FCPA, GAICD
Dr Mark McGee, DMA, MMus, BMus(Hons), GradDipEd, FTCL, LMusA, STAT
Louarde Thomas, LLM(London), LLB(JCU), GDLP(College of Law)

Company Secretary:

Mr Andy Campbell, BA(Hons), MSc, MA

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Examinations Advisory Committee

The Examinations Advisory Committee advises the Victorian Board on matters pertaining to the conduct of examinations in Victoria. The Committee’s membership is as follows:

Associate Professor Joel Brennan, BMus(Oberlin), MMus, MMA, DMA(Yale) (Chair)
Dr Mark McGee, DMA, MMus, BMus(Hons), GradDipEd, FTCL, LMusA, STAT (Deputy Chair)
Professor Warren Bebbington AM, MA(NY), MMus(Melb), MPhil(CUNY), PhD(CUNY), HonFMusA
Dr Elizabeth Mitchell, PhD, MMus(Melb), ConcertRecitalDip(Lond), LMusA

Specialist Examining Panels

Each Victorian examiner is a member of their respective subject’s Specialist Examining Panel. The Chair of each Specialist Examining Panel in Victoria is as follows:

Brass – Assoc Prof Joel Brennan
Organ – Dr June Nixon AM
Percussion – Ms Wendy Couch
Piano – Dr Mark McGee
Recorder – Ms Ruth Wilkinson
Speech and Drama – Mr Leslie Cartwright
Strings – Mr Fintan Murphy
Teaching – Dr Elizabeth Mitchell
Theory – Dr Ian Burk
Woodwind – Mr Neil Fisenden

General Manager

The General Manager is accountable to the Board of Directors for operational, financial, regulatory compliance and risk management matters. The General Manager is Mr Alwyn Mott, BMus, DipEd (Melb) GradDipBusAdmin (Monash) AMusA. The Deputy General Manager is Mr Andrew Snell, BA (Hons) Band Musicianship.
