AMEB's Hawthorn studios and office

259 Auburn Road, Hawthorn, VIC 3122
Examination studios – Ground Floor.
Administration – First Floor.
> Contact us
Exams at the AMEB Studios Hawthorn
It is recommended that you plan the trip to the Hawthorn studios well in advance and allow plenty of time to allow for traffic delays.
Aim to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled examination time, noting that it may not be possible for candidates who arrive late to be examined on that day.
On arrival, proceed to ground floor reception and present your completed Notice of Examination to the Venue Supervisor.
Due to space limitations we are able to offer warm-up facilities for a period of approximately 10 minutes only to candidates in Collaborative Piano Grades 7 and 8; Solo Piano Grade 8, Certificate of Performance, Associate and Licentiate; and accompanied instruments, including Voice.
Transport and Parking
AMEB Victoria is located on Auburn Road, near the corner of Riversdale Road, approximately 11km from the Melbourne GPO. Our examination studios and administration offices are at this location.
On-street parking is available in adjacent streets. Please note that parking restrictions may apply and Riversdale Road has Clearways and tow-away zones at times. (There is no off-street parking near the AMEB studios.)
Public Transport
AMEB Victoria can be reached by Routes 70 and 75 along Riversdale Road. The nearest tram stop is #36 at the corner of Auburn Road.
The nearest station is Auburn, located in Auburn Village, approximately 750 metres (10 minutes’ walk) from the AMEB Studios.
Bus route 624 (Kew – Oakleigh Station) travels past the AMEB Studios. You will find a bus stop in Auburn Road, near the intersection with Riversdale Road.