About us

Australia’s leading music assessment service, the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) offers syllabuses and graded examinations for a wide range of musical instruments, music theory, singing and speech, from beginner through to higher grades and on to diploma level.


Maintaining benchmark standards

The Australian Music Examinations Board was established as a national organisation in 1918 and celebrated 100 years of service to Australian students and teachers on 15 May 2018. Regarded as the benchmark for assessment in music, speech and drama in Australia, AMEB exams provide nationally recognised levels of achievement in practical and theoretical subjects. AMEB syllabuses provide the framework for studies leading to secondary school certificates, university entrance and the establishment of careers in performing and music teaching.

Supporting Victorian teachers and students

AMEB Victoria provides music and speech exams, performance evaluations and teacher support services in Melbourne and regional Victoria. A not-for-profit organisation wholly owned by the University of Melbourne and governed by a Board of Directors, AMEB Victoria is one of six state offices within the federated AMEB structure. The AMEB Federal Office produces syllabuses and publications, while AMEB Victoria administers examinations in the State.

AMEB Victoria structure

The AMEB Victoria Board of Directors, appointed by the University of Melbourne, receives advice from an Examinations Advisory Committee, which includes members with expertise in education, training and assessment. Each Victorian AMEB Examiner is a member of their respective subject’s Specialist Examining Panel, which meets regularly to discuss examining matters and engage in professional development activities. Day-to-day operations are the responsibility of the General Manager.



