How to Enrol
A step-by-step guide to enrolling through AMEB Connect
Getting started
1. Register. can be found by going to and following the link to
. First-time users should click Get Access and follow the prompts.
2. Become familiar with examination requirements. It is essential that teachers and candidates are familiar with the current AMEB syllabus, examination requirements and regulations (which may change from year to year) and the administrative policies and procedures. Each syllabus can be purchased as a convenient digital download from AMEB Connect.
Before enrolling candidates
3. Collate candidate information prior to commencing enrolment.
a. Take note of full candidate names (as on birth certificate or passport).
b. Check the session dates and closing dates for enrolments.
c. Consult with candidates/parents and take note of any dates to avoid. Dates to avoid include reasons such as VCE exams, school exams, curriculum days, school camps, religious holidays, or other exceptional situations.
The complete candidate name (including any middle names) and date of birth are essential for maintaining an accurate exam history.
Log in to AMEB Connect
4. Log in. Users log in to AMEB Connect using their registered email address and password. Telephone AMEB Victoria on 9035 8888 if you require log in assistance.
5. Add enrolments to the basket
a. New candidates. Select ‘Enrol a Candidate’ on the AMEB Connect home page. Select ‘+New candidate’ from the tabs at the top of the page. Enter candidate details as required.
b. Your previous candidates. Previously enrolled candidates may be added through the ‘My Candidates’ option on the home screen. Firstly select the year or range of years, then choose candidates by selecting check boxes on the left side of the screen, then click ‘+Enrol selected candidates’ to begin the subject selection for each candidate in turn.
c. Find a previous candidate (who was not enrolled by you). Select ‘Find a previous candidate’ from the tabs at the top of the page, enter candidate number & name OR name & date of birth and click ‘Find’.
Include the candidate’s middle name when using the ‘Find a previous candidate’ search function.
6. Enrolling multiple candidates. Enrolments remain in the basket after logging out of AMEB Connect. You may return later to add or amend enrolments and add purchases to the basket.
Candidates are not enrolled for examination until payment for all items in the basket has been processed.
7. Entering enrolment details
a. Series (examination session). Choose the examination session for the candidate by making a selection from the drop-down list. (The examination session will remain preselected for additional candidates, but may be modified as required.) Sessions which are currently open for enrolment will be in green.
To enrol for a Video Repertoire examination: 1) select Series 60 Video Examinations; 2) Select the Syllabus and Grade. Each Video Repertoire exam subject code is prefixed by the letter ‘V’ to indicate an examination via video submission.
b. Subject Selecting the exam subject is a two step process. First search for a Syllabus by clicking the word ‘Select..’ then type the first few letters of the syllabus/instrument name (e.g. ‘Pia’ for Piano, ‘Cla’ for Clarinet, or ‘Online The’ for Online Theory of Music) and select a syllabus from the list displayed alphabetically. Next, select the required subject/grade from the list displayed in the Subject box (e.g. ‘9965 – Piano Comprehensive Grade 5 (Collaborative)’. (Only syllabuses available for examination in the chosen series will be displayed.)
c. Preferred venue. Select a preferred venue from the drop-down list. If you select ‘Enter a venue number’, an AMEB Victoria Centre Code is required. Schools and studios with their own venue number should enter it here. If you have permission for your candidates to be examined at a private school or studio enter the appropriate number here. (Only the school/studio owner can provide you with their venue number.)
A school or private studio with examining time of 3 hours or more in a particular subject may apply to be an examination centre and also may request to host Practical examinations outside the published session dates.
Scheduling requests
8. Entering scheduling requests. There are two parts to entering scheduling requests for each candidate.
a. A drop-down menu will allow the choice of either: ‘No preference’; ‘Not Saturday’; ‘Not Sunday’; or ‘Not weekend’.
b. The text box allows the enrolling person to enter any dates to avoid (maximum 120 characters).
AMEB Victoria will make every effort to avoid specific dates if these are advised at the time of enrolment.
Note that Practical exams can be scheduled on any day in the published exam session (Monday through Sunday), between the hours of 9am and 6pm, except gazetted public holidays. It is possible to request that exams are not scheduled on a weekend but this must be indicated at the time of enrolment.
9. Special Needs. If a candidate has special needs this should be indicated in the ‘Scheduling request’ box. The Special Needs Request, should be completed in accordance with the Special Needs Policy. This form should be emailed as soon as possible after the enrolment is submitted and must be received before the closing date for enrolment for the particular session.
10. Amending or correcting candidate details. To amend details of a previously enrolled candidate (such as name or date of birth) please email us.
11. Confirm enrolment details before payment. Click the green ‘Basket’ button in the top right of the screen. A list of your enrolments will be displayed. Check that all the information is correct. You can edit the details by clicking ‘Edit enrolment’, or delete the enrolment entirely by clicking ‘Remove enrolment’.
Purchasing AMEB Syllabuses, AMEB Publications and Rockschool Publications
Syllabuses, publications and support materials may be added to the basket before or after enrolling candidates, or in a separate transaction.
12. Add products to the basket
a. Select ‘Buy products’ on the homepage. Find products by selecting from the list of categories or use the ‘Search for products’ box to display a list of related products. For instance, searching for ‘Piano’ will show a list of publications and resources for that instrument.
b. Select each product for purchase by clicking ‘+Add to basket’. Increase or decrease the quantity of each product by clicking the arrows next to each product. The quantity may be modified before clicking ‘+Add to basket’.
c. Continue to search for new products and add them to the transaction by clicking ‘+Add to basket’. Products will remain in the basket until you proceed to the final payment screen.
You may choose to enrol candidates for exams before making a payment. Click ‘Home’ at the top of the page then ‘Enrol a candidate’. All purchases will remain in the basket until payment has been finalised and you have received an email confirming the purchase.
13. Confirm purchase details
a. Click the green Basket button in the top right of the screen. A list of your products will be displayed. Check that all the information is correct.
b. Edit the details by clicking ‘Update quantity’ or delete the product entirely by clicking ‘Remove item’.
Payment and confirmation of enrolments and purchases
14. Payment
a. Tick the box under Agreement to indicate that you are aware of and accept the current policies, regulations and examination requirements:
‘The candidates, their teachers and I are aware of and accept the policies, regulations and examination requirements published in the current AMEB Syllabus and the AMEB Victoria website. We understand that examinations could be scheduled on any day between the hours of 9am and 6pm during the requested Examination Series, unless specific dates to be avoided have been requested at the time of entry. I certify that I am at least 18 years of age.’
b. Click the ‘Pay’ button at the bottom of the screen. You will be taken to a secure payment page hosted by NAB where payment can be made by Mastercard or Visa credit, debit or pre-paid cards. (No card information is retained by the payment system.)
c. A receipt/tax invoice from the National Australia Bank will be sent if an email address is entered in the box provided (optional).
d. A confirmation email/tax invoice listing the full details of enrolments and/or purchases) will be sent to the enrolling person by AMEB Connect. Check the confirmation email to ensure that all details are correct (including spelling of candidate names) and advise any corrections by email within 5 business days.
To request further changes after payment has been made email
Receiving Notices of Examination and results
13. After enrolment
a. Once the exams have been scheduled, the account holder will receive an email advising that Notices of Examination are available on AMEB Connect to download and print, or email to the candidate.
b. After the exam, the enroller will receive an email advising that reports and results are available on AMEB Connect. Reports are uploaded to AMEB Connect within two (2) weeks of metropolitan examinations, and three (3) weeks of regional examinations.
c. Certificates will be posted to the account holder within three (3) weeks of the examination.