Special Awards and Prizes

A number of Special Awards and Prizes are available to Victorian candidates who demonstrate exceptional skills in AMEB examinations.

Australian Society for Music Education (ASME) Victoria Award

The ASME Victoria Award is available annually to an outstanding candidate for the Associate Teacher of Music, Australia examination .

Victorian Music Teachers’ Association (VMTA) Theory Award

The Victorian Music Teachers’ Association offers an annual award for the candidate who achieves the highest result in Grade Six Theory of Music at Honours or High Distinction level.

Leslie Barklamb Flute Award

The Leslie Barklamb Flute Award has been established in honour of Leslie Barklamb and acknowledges his contribution to the Australian Music Examinations Board. The Award will be offered on an annual basis to a candidate aged 23 years or under who demonstrates exceptional performance skills in a Flute Diploma examination.

The Elizabeth Stainkamph Memorial Prize

The Elizabeth Stainkamph Memorial Prize is awarded annually to the candidate who achieves the best combined result in the Grade Five Theory and Grade Eight Piano examinations conducted during the year.
