New Teaching Syllabuses and resources

Based on international best practice and informed by leading research in music pedagogy, the AMEB Teaching Syllabuses offer a structured pathway for professional growth. These syllabuses feature two distinct awards:
- • Certificate Teacher of Music Australia (CTMusA)
- • Associate Teacher of Music Australia (ATMusA)
The exams incorporate a blend of written and practical tasks, providing a comprehensive framework for enhancing teaching expertise. Designed by international experts in music education, the syllabuses are suitable for studio teachers across all instruments and voice.
These syllabuses aim to deepen pedagogical knowledge, foster self-reflection, and equip studio teachers with the tools to thrive both now and in the future.
Teaching Syllabus resources

Teachers can download free copies of the Teaching Syllabuses and the Guide to Assessment from the AMEB Federal Office website. The comprehensive Companion Text is also available in digital and hardcopy formats for purchase.
Alongside the syllabuses, AMEB will offer a series of on-demand professional development videos. These resources, featuring contributions from international experts, complement the AMEB Teaching Syllabuses Companion Text.
There will be six videos, and the first four to be released in early 2025 are:
- • Music teaching foundations – Dr Jennifer Blackwell
- • A comprehensive approach to music teaching – Aaron D. Himes
- • Assessing performance in the music lesson – Victoria Lynn Smith
- • Teaching students to practise – Dr Jennifer Blackwell
These resources are invaluable for teachers working towards CTMusA or ATMusA qualifications or they may be used as stand-alone professional development resources for teachers seeking innovative approaches to the challenges of studio teaching.
Teaching Syllabus workshops in 2025
AMEB Victoria is pleased to announce plans for a series of face-to-face and/or online workshops to be held in 2025. The scope and content of these workshops will be centred around the new Teaching Syllabuses but will be informed by needs of teachers in our community. We invite studio teachers to register their interest to assist us in the planning process. Your input will help ensure that the workshops are both relevant and valuable to your professional practice.