Withdrawal, Cancellation or Re-scheduling

> Withdrawal
> Cancellation for medical reasons
> Cancellation for non-medical reasons
> Re-scheduling of Practical examinations

Withdrawal from examination

A candidate’s enrolment cannot be transferred from one examination session to another or from one candidate to another. The enroller is requested to advise AMEB Victoria in writing if a candidate is to be withdrawn from examination. If written advice is received by the closing date for receipt of enrolments for the session, the examination fee less an administration fee of $35.00 per candidate will be refunded to the enroller. We are required to pay any refund directly to the credit/debit card that was used to pay the initial fee via our NAB payments gateway in order to satisfy probity, legal and audit requirements.

Cancellation for medical reasons

If a candidate is unable to attend a scheduled examination, the teacher/enroller is requested to telephone AMEB Victoria as soon as possible and to confirm the telephone advice in writing. Where possible, when a cancellation is due to illness and substantiated by a medical certificate, the candidate will be offered the opportunity to re-schedule the examination to a later date within the current year upon payment of a re-scheduling fee equivalent to 50% of the examination fee. Note that evidence of inability to present for examination for medical reasons must be received by AMEB Victoria no later than two weeks after the scheduled exam date.However, when the cancellation is in November or December, it might not be possible to re-schedule the examination in the current year and consideration will be given to refunding 50% of the examination fee (to be paid to the enroller by electronic funds transfer in December). We are required to pay any refund directly to the credit/debit card that was used to pay the initial fee via our NAB payments gateway in order to satisfy probity, legal and audit requirements. It is not possible to transfer an enrolment to another calendar year.

Cancellation for non-medical reasons

A refund will not be given when the cancellation is for a non-medical reason. Please appreciate that, by the time a cancellation is received, the examination timetable has usually been finalised and all the costs associated with conducting the exam (examiner, supervisor, venue hire, etc.) are incurred whether the candidate attends or not.

Re-scheduling of Practical examinations

A candidate may apply to re-schedule an examination for any reason upon payment of a re-scheduling fee equivalent to 75% of the examination fee. Please contact us in writing to make a re-scheduling request. The availability of a substitute examination time cannot be guaranteed, and acceptance of the application will be subject to the availability of a qualified examiner and suitable facilities. If it is not possible to re-schedule the examination, the re-scheduling fee will be refunded.
