All candidates are enrolled through AMEB Connect, our online service centre:
- Enrol candidates for AMEB Practical, AMEB Written (online and on-paper) and Rockschool examinations, Performance Evaluations and Teacher Consulations
- View and print Notices of Examination, and email them to candidates
- View and print examination reports, and email them to candidates
- Purchase AMEB syllabuses, supporting publications and other resources
Click here to log on to AMEB Connect
Who can enrol?
The enroller may be a:
- teacher
- parent (or legal guardian)
- self (if over 18 years of age)
- music school
- registered primary or secondary school
First-time users will need to register for an AMEB Connect login. Follow the step-by-step guide to create an account and enrol a student.
It is common practice for teachers or schools to submit entries as agents for their students. If you are the teacher or school representative enrolling candidates, you will receive all communications relating to your students’ examinations and will be able to co-ordinate the preparation of candidates and arrange accompanists, as required.
Note that enrolments can only be accepted from adults. Private entries should be submitted by the parent or guardian of candidates aged under eighteen.